Tuam txhab Profile
Anhui Mingteng Permanent-Magnetic Machinery&Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd. (ntawm no tom qab hu ua Mingteng) tau tsim nyob rau lub Kaum Hlis 18th, 2007, nrog rau npe peev ntawm CNY 144 lab, thiab nyob hauv Shuangfeng Economic Development Zone, Hefei City, Anhui Xeev, Tuam Tshoj, npog thaj tsam ntawm 10 ev kawj, nrog thaj chaw tsim kho ntau dua 30,000 square meters.
Lub tuam txhab Honors
Mingteng yog tus thawj coj chav tsev ntawm "Tuam Tshoj Mechanical thiab Hluav Taws Xob Hluav Taws Xob Txhim Kho Kev Txhim Kho Kev Lag Luam Alliance" thiab tus thawj coj ntawm lub koom haum "Motor and System Energy Innovation Industry Alliance", thiab yog lub luag haujlwm rau kev sau ntawv GB30253-2013 "Energy Efficiency Limiting Value and Energy. Efficiency Qib ntawm Permanent Magnet Synchronous Tsav JB/T 13297-2017 "TYE4 series peb-theem mus tas li hlau nplaum synchronous lub cev muaj zog (lub rooj naj npawb 80-355)", JB / T 12681-2016 "TYCKK series (IP4 high-efficiency high- hluav taws xob ruaj khov hlau nplaum synchronous lub cev muaj zog kev ua haujlwm" thiab lwm yam khoom siv hluav taws xob ruaj khov ntsig txog Tuam Tshoj thiab cov qauv kev lag luam. China Quality Certification Center Energy-saving certification, rau xyoo 2019 thiab 2021 Ministry of Industry thiab Information Technology "Energy Efficiency Star" cov khoom catalog thiab thib tsib batch ntawm ntsuab tsim cov khoom npe.

Mingteng ib txwm hais txog kev ywj pheej innovation, ua raws li txoj cai ntawm kev lag luam ntawm "cov khoom lag luam thawj zaug, kev tswj hwm thawj zaug, kev pabcuam thawj zaug, thawj-chav kawm hom", tsim kom muaj cov hlau nplaum ruaj khov rau kev tshawb fawb thiab kev tsim kho tshiab pab pawg nrog Suav cawv, tailor-made intelligent ruaj khov hlau nplaum lub cev muaj zog zog-txuag tag nrho cov kev daws teeb meem rau cov neeg siv, thiab siv zog los ua Tuam Tshoj lub ntiaj teb tsis tshua muaj hlau nplaum lub cev muaj zog kev lag luam Peb sib zog ua tus thawj coj thiab tus qauv setter nyob rau hauv Tuam Tshoj lub ntiaj teb tsis tshua muaj hlau nplaum lub cev muaj zog kev lag luam.
Corporate Culture
Enterprise Ntsuj Plig
Kev sib koom siab thiab kev ua haujlwm nyuaj, pioneering innovation, siab dawb paug, twv ua ntej
Enterprise Tenet
Kev koom tes pab cov tuam txhab lag luam txhim kho ntawm kev kub ceev, thiab yeej-yeej rau kev txuag hluav taws xob yav tom ntej
Enterprise Principple
Kev ncaj ncees raws li tus neeg siv khoom ua ntej
Lub zeem muag Enterprise
Intelligent mus tas li hlau nplaum hluav taws xob tsav system tag nrho cov kev daws teeb meem.